Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bird Tip - Sprouting Revisited

For the truly HARD CORE seed junkie you can sprout spray millet:
Entire spray millet
Cover with water.  Soak about 8 hours or overnight.
Entire spray millet is a little tricky to get thoroughly soaked.  
Push the top ones to the bottom about 4 hours into the soaking session.

After soaking, pour through sieve and rinse thoroughly. Set sieve on top of sprouting container to drain.  Make sure the sieve holes are small enough so the millet seeds don't fall through. 
Rinse at least twice a day.  I leave this next to the kitchen sink so when I pass by 
I give it a rinse. Smell it after each rinse.  It should smell fresh and "earthy", never moldy.  Discard if moldy or smells yucky.
Sprouts are ready to serve when it grows "hair" (make sure it's not mold!).
Depending on the temperature, the sprouts will be ready in 24 - 36 hours. 
I don't know how long the sprouts will keep.  If I do spray millet, I just make enough for what gets consumed in 1 day. So if you want to feed over consecutive days, you'll need to have several going at a time made a day apart.


  1. I'm going to try this too! Thanks for writing about it. I had heard that some people advise soaking the millet for a little bit because then the hulls do not get all over the place. I don't usually have millet on hand but right now I do so I am going to go stick a piece in a bowl of water.
