Staring at Birds - Bourke Parakeets

Bourke Parakeet (Neopsephotus bourkii)
Conservation Status:
Common in US aviculture, least concern in the wild.
Endangered Species List - Bourke Parakeets
Wild Status

Ah, little bourkins.  They are SO cute, SO quiet, SO docile.  Some people find them "boring" or consider them just aviary birds.  But when handfed and tame, they are just such sweet, friendly birds with not a mean bone in those little bodies.  Perfect kid's bird, first bird, or if you just want a little bird that causes a lot of "AWWWW!! It's so cute!"

I handfed two as my daughter's pets when she was in preschool.  She took Berry and Chirpitty everywhere with her in a carrier.  There were a lot of AWWWWW's, especially when she'd open the carrier door and the two bourkes would hop out onto her little hands.

Get a tame one to bite you - I dare you!  It ain't gunna happen.
"Pink" mutation baby (combination of rosey and cream)
Rosey Mutation
One of my current rosey males
The back of the same rosey male
Wild coloration female - no blue feathers above the nostrils
(nostrils, nares. . . whatever)
Wild coloration male - blue feathers above the nostrils
Developmental Pictures:
A Few Minutes Old

3 - 6 Days
L-R: 3 days, 6 days, 4 days
This one's 6 days old.
8 - 11 days
L-R: 8 days, 9 days, 11 days
L-R: 8 days, 9 days, 11 days
11 Days.  You can see the rosey (pink) feathers coming in on the back.
14 Days 
22-26 Days


  1. OMG! So cute, can't wait to get my sweet baby. These pictures got posted on my birthday. What a gift.

  2. Me too...can't wait. MJ

  3. know where i can get one?

  4. I have some. Contact me for availability:
